CHM practitioner, lecturer & teacher

Graeme Tobyn, PhD

Graeme has worked as a senior lecturer in the School of Community Health and Midwifery, University of Central Lancashire since 2000. Graeme’s clinical background is in herbal medicine, having practised for 26 years including a period in the UK National Health Service. Dr Tobyn is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and a member of the Royal Historical Society, the British Society for the History of Pharmacy and the College of Medicine. He is external examiner for the BSc and MSc Herbal Medicine programmes at Lincoln College, UK. He was a visiting botanical medicine scholar at Bastyr University, Seattle, USA in 2015 and twice a visiting lecturer at Pacific Rim College, B.C., Canada. He is a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Herbal Medicine. He is the author of two books, Culpeper’s Medicine (1997, 2nd edn 2013) and, with fellow herbalists, The Western Herbal Tradition (2011, repub. 2015), and several book chapters and articles. His latest studies are: Tobyn, G. ‘Herbaries’ and apothecaries: The identification of William Turner’s herbalists in Tudor and Stuart England’, Vesalius, XXIV(1), 67-75, and Partington, H., Duckworth, J., & Tobyn, G. Transformative education for sustainability, health and wellbeing: a model of online delivery. In W.L. Filho & A. Consoret-McCrea, Handbook of Sustainability and Humanities: linking social values, theology and spirituality towards sustainability. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.

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