Recognition of Prior Learning Policy

It may also be possible to have previous learning or experiential learning (e.g. work experience) assessed for exemption from part(s) of your course. Our recognition of prior learning policy is described below.

The recognition of prior learning (RPL) is where applicants demonstrate that they can meet the assessment criteria within a unit through knowledge, understanding or skills they already possess without undertaking any additional course of learning.

RPL involves two distinct types:

  1. Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning: the process for an applicant
    to seek formal recognition of prior learning they have achieved through
    experience, self-directed study or training which did not attract
  2. Accreditation of Prior Certificated Learning: the process for an applicant
    to seek formal recognition of prior learning from qualifications they hold
    that in part or fully meet the learning outcomes of module(s) within the
    Diploma in Herbal Medicine.

The process of RPL activity may be triggered by the student or the programme leader at the point of admissions. It is the student’s responsibility to make an RPL claim.

A prospective student will only have an RPL application accepted if they can demonstrate the essential knowledge and or practice based on their prior experience, enabling them to progress and succeed on the Diploma. On receipt of the application, and following evaluation/assessment of the evidence, the course leader may also invite a prospective student to interview to fully assess the individual’s suitability for the relevant programme or ask them to submit a piece of work to demonstrate equivalence to an aspect of the course.

Stages of RPL application

  1. Discuss RPL enquiry between student and course leader;
  2. Student to submit the RPL claim;
  3. Receipt of RPL application sent to WCA administrator;
  4. Course leader evaluates information submitted and may request further
  5. Assessment of the evidence against the course modules by course leader;
  6. External examiner to review and verify recommendation from course leader;
  7. Feedback to student of the outcome:
    • Grant full RPL submission
    • Grant partial submission
    • Decline RPL submission
  8. Set out RPL claim against the course structure (produce individual course
  9. Record outcome of the RPL claim:
    1. Administrative RPL record/file
    2. Student record
  10. Report outcome at the first Exam Board after student commences the course
  11. Annual monitoring of the process at Academic Board and if appropriate to agree any repetitive profiles to set precedence.

Last updated

1 September 2024